I've put in a lot of long days.
If Rose Red is a dead cell, how much
proof can you expect to find?
If you apply electricity
to the leg of a dead frog...
...the muscles contract
hours after it has died.
You people are my psychic
equivalent of electricity.
My goal is modest. A single twitch.
One single twitch.
If I get it, my reputation will be
secure for the rest of my life.
More importantly, we can help
legitimize a branch of psychology...
...which has been treated
poorly for too long.
Why are you here, Mr. Rimbauer?
What are your special talents?
Protecting family interests.
I promised the professor one shot...
...then the developers await.
Tech Star condos.
You're tearing it down?
It's part of history.
History don't pay rent and I'm broke.
Hardly a noble motive.
Are we the team? The whole team?
She hopes not.
Beg pardon?
I was hoping for one more
but that's starting to look iffy.
If I have to make do with you five,
then I'll count myself lucky.
I'll see you this Friday at 2 p.m.
I'm sure it'll be
a Memorial Day to remember.
Now if you could all
please come and join me.
I'd like to close with a circle.
This went out with high button shoes.
Anything you'd like to focus on?
Goodwill, good thoughts, each other.
That's lovely.