Welcome, Colonel Lee.
Welcome to my home.
Make yourself comfortable
there, colonel.
Allow me to get to the point, sir.
I have been authorized by
President Lincoln himself...
...with the full blessing
of the War Department...
...to offer you full command of the Army
with the rank of major general.
This Army being raised to quell this
rebellion and to preserve the Union.
I assume this Army is to be used
to invade those areas...
...to eliminate the rebellion by force.
Yes, sir, the Federal government
has been challenged by these rebels...
...who have been most effective in changing
the sentiments of state legislatures...
...challenging our Constitution and
challenging our central government.
The attack on Fort Sumter
cannot be ignored.
General, my home is right there
across the Potomac.
Why, you can see Arlington House
from your front door.
My family is spread all
over this part of Virginia.
If you invade the South, your enemy
territory will be right across that river.
Well, sir, there is no great outcry
for secession in Virginia.
Is not a foregone conclusion that
Virginia or Tennessee or Arkansas...
...or Kentucky will join the rebellion.