My friend, may I humbly submit that
you're mistaken about Virginia.
As you know, the legislature is
convening in Richmond this very day...
...to discuss the very
issue of secession.
Now, perhaps you know their mind
better than they themselves.
And I regret to say the presidens
hasty calling up of 75,000 volunteers...
...to subdue the rebellion
in the cotton states...
...has done nothing to ameliorate
the crisis. It has only deepened it.
I trust you're not being
too hasty yourself, colonel.
This is a great opportunity
for you to serve your country.
My country, Mr. Blair?
I never thought I'd see the day
the president of the United States...
...would raise an army
to invade his own country.
No, Mr. Blair, I cannot lead it.
I will not lead it. No.
I'm sorry to hear you say that, sir.
I fear you're making
a most dreadful mistake.
Sir, please convey my deep sense of
honor and gratitude to the president...
...but I must decline his offer.
Please tell him.
Please be clear. I have
never taken my duties lightly...
...but I have no greater duty
than to my home, to Virginia.