...before we can breathe the exhilarating
atmosphere of freedom...
...and feel the sweet assurance
of safety and peace once more.
There's nothing in this life more dear
to me than my children...
...except perhaps the memory
of your wonderful father.
When you go to Richmond,
and wherever this war takes you...
...you must not fear for us.
We will be with you wherever you go.
Surely goodness and mercy have
followed me all the days of my life.
Now be on your way,
and God be with you.
Y'all be coming on back, you hear?
We'll be back, Martha.
I won't forget to write you, sister.
I know there are a thousand brothers
leaving a thousand homes...
...and I know we're not
the only ones, Mother.
But I've never felt sadder in my life.
Good morning, major.
This just arrived for you.