I brought you a present.
- Rilke's poems?
- Yes.
In German?
Yes. With facing translations.
- Thanks.
- Here, look at page 23.
"Again and Again".
"Again and Again
Even knowing the landscape of love
And the little churchyard there
With it's sorrowing names
And the hauntingly silent abyss
Into which the others descend..."
I would think something more like...
- I know, bubbles.
- Holy Mother of God!
- I'm so sorry! I'm sorry.
Yeah, look, you're fine.
Surprise, surprise!
It's raining on St. Patrick's Day.
That looks quite interesting.
Hi, I'm Angie Power from
the nine o'clock news.
Yeah, I recognize you.
I was wondering if you'd like to come
over and tell us what this is all about.
- So, why are you here?
- Well, there's ample evidence...
to support the fact that Patrick
was North African and...
that many of his beliefs reflected the
teachings of ancient Egyptian religion.
The Catholic Church, of course,
has simply used Patrick as...
propaganda to squelch out the
indigenous religions of the day.
That's very interesting.
Yeah, they did the same thing
to Jesus.
Right. I'd love to hear
more about this.
Maybe you could give me
a ring sometime.