I'm so sorry, Rosie.
Look, I deserve that.
You deserve far worse
than that, David.
Please, please just try
and understand.
- I've been in hell...
- No, David. No!
I'm sorry, but this is not the time
to be looking for sympathy!
You can look for that
from your fucking boyfriend!
I'll keep the flat, you move out.
- Okay, if that's what you want.
- lf that's what I want?
Like any of this is what I want!
Like what I wanted was
to be dumped for a man!
Rosie, that's not what's happening.
I want you gone
by the time I get home.
I don't have anywhere to go.
Frankly, David...
I don't give a shit!
- Clara.
- Clara.
- How're you doing?
- I'm, I'm grand. And yourself?