Look, fuck it.
Why don't you stay here the night?
- No, I can't, I...
- Look, I've the day off.
There's a nice cozy
warm bed down there...
and a three day old Indian
in the fridge.
- Alright. Well, in that case...
- Yeah, come on.
Just for tonight alright?
Well, fuck it.
It's only one night.
"And further on a group
of Grecian girls...
the first and tallest
her white kerchief waving...
were strung together
like a row of pearls...
linked hand in hand and dancing, each
too having down her white neck...
long floating auburn curls, the least
of which would set ten poets raving...
their leader sang and bounded to her
song, with choral step and voice...
the virgin throng."
All these romantics go on about
is love, love, love.
Well, you know what? They were
lucky, they all died young.
In poetically tragic circumstances,
of course. They had it easy...
they didn't have to suffer through
the shit like the rest of us!
Life is great when
you're dead by thirty.
What would you all know?
So you've been working here
for four years?
Five now, actually. Almost.
- Look at the pink flower, Mammy.
- Look, isn't she gorgeous?
Oh yeah!
Do you ever want to have kids?
Well... yeah, I do...
one day.
How about you?
I would. Yeah.
Is that its real name?
It is. Yeah.