Good Boy!

Listen, can we talk
for a second?

Don't you think
that it makes more sense

to wait until after we move
to the new place

before we get the dog?
l'm just thinking of the dog.
That way, he won't have to
relearn a new house

and a new neighborhood
and all that other newness.

We had a deal, Mom.
We did. We sure...we sure...
we absolutely did.

''The best way to achieve your goals,
Owen, is to make a plan,

work hard, and always
keep your eyes on the prize.''

That's an exact quote, isn't it?
I want my prize.
So, shall we all go
to the shelter at noon?

- Yes!
- Yes!

This'll be great for him, right?
Yeah, yeah.
A little buddy is just what he needs.

I better put down
some newspaper.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Morning, Miss Ryan.
Mr. Baker.
Barbara Ann had a restless night.

Poor dear.
I don't want her overexerting.

Keep her on the grass.
The hot pavement is far too harsh
on her delicate paws.

Hold still, Wilson.
It's only me.

He had the runs last night.
Can you keep an eye
on that for me

and let me know
if things turn solid?

No problem.
