More like a nightmare,
if you ask me.
One, two, three. Testing.
Don't give me that look.
No, not that look either.
Stay! Stay!
You hear me?
- I...
- Are you sure?
Doggone it!
How could I let this happen?
Don't be afraid.
I am Canid 3942.
Was that you?
You better be up and at 'em.
Don't say a word.
You can't forget the other dogs
just because you've got Hubble.
Bless you!
Somebody's got a wittle cold.
Poor baby.
Hop to it, O.
Can we tie her up
out back, please?
- Did you just learn how to talk?
- Here come the questions.
Let's just say your hearing
suddenly got a lot better.
Oh, man.
How is this even possible?
Oh, boy.
Look, I don't have time
to train you right now.
Just take me
to your leaders.
- Leaders?
- The dogs who walk you.
- I walk them.
- Sure you do.
I'll get to the bottom of this.
Wait. Am I the only one
who can understand you?
Okay, it was a big mistake--
wasn't meant to happen.
You can't tell anyone
about this, ever.
Got it?
This was a major boo-boo.
Nobody'd believe me anyway.
It's not like dogs start talking
all of a sudden.
Code red!
Code red!
- The kid can hear us talking?
- Watch out, shorty.
Coming through.