Good Boy!

I own you.
Pay no attention
to the dude in the red suit.

The idea of dogs being in charge
is so...far-fetched.

I teach you
and I tell you

what you can
and can't do. Understand?

Dude, I'm wide open!
Throw the ball.

Throw the Frisbee.
Throw the stick.

Throw something, player!
Yeah, I know what you think,
but that's not the way it works here.

- Who are you talkin' to?

- Just the dogs.
- You're talkin' like they're people.

You've got to...
to train them.

Let's just go.
Connie, I wouldn't let my dog
hang out with that mental case.

What a mental.
That's it!
You guys are makin' me look nuts.

All this stupid Dog Star talk,
the Greater Dane.

I want proof.
Show me proof.

Works for me.
- You know how to drive?
- He knows how to crash.

I'm an excellent pilot.
There happened to be some radical
wind currents the other night.

Hold on.
What's this thing?

Be careful.
That's my woofer.

A communicator.
It got slightly damaged
in the landing.

- Slightly?!
- Hey, let's see you fly one.

This is what you
were using last night?

Yes, when it short-circuited
and you were caught in the current.

Don't remind me.
Now I'm talking to you,
but I can't contact Sirius.

I bet I could fix this.
You keep your paws
off my woofer, mister.

No, really.
I'm good with this kind of stuff.

I mean, let's face it.
I can't make it any worse.

Fine. That'll be your job.
As for the rest of you,
tomorrow I start grading.

I want to see all the ways
you've taken control

of people and the planet.
