Good Boy!

Thank you.

And this time, you won't
be starting off all alone,

'cause you'll have Hubble.
Hello. I was just...
- Where were you?
- With my mom.

Why do you care?
Why do dogs
howl at the moon?

Only coyotes do that,
but it's not the moon.

They're howling
to the Home Star.

- Sirius?
- Just to the left, two stars over.

Coyotes are
homesick cry-babies.

So when that retriever
you talked about comes for you,

you're planning
on going back with him?

This is only
a temporary mission.

Right. I get it.
I appreciate your hosting me
for the time being, but...

It's okay. I'm used to
temporary missions.

All right, class,
lesson number one.

Dignity comes from within.
On Sirius, we begin every day
with meditation,

easing gently
into peaceful poses

to achieve
a higher state of being

and release our more base
animal impulses.

Shh! Surrender.
