Good Boy!

Thank you.
Thank you, Earth dogs.

Nice to see you.
I'm pleased to visit
your fair planet.

Oh, isn't it lovely to be here?
La-dee-dah, la-dee-dah,
et cetera and so forth.

Not bad.
Not bad? That was cool.
It was good, actually.
I want to encourage you all
to keep practicing.

It's an attitude--
dignified, serious.

Now, have you figured out a way
to convince her we're in charge?

Connie had an idea.
Tell him your plan.

Whenever a great leader
visits the White House,

they give a formal dinner.
It's so lovely getting together
like this, Earth dogs.

We should do it more often.
It's hard for me,
Your Majesty.

I summer here,
but I winter in Miami.

Yes, I summer here, too,
but I winter in my poopie.

Whoa, Nelly.
That was embarrassing.
I'm fine.

Bring on the first course.
- Oh, my!
- They got steak.

I did say I was
hungry enough to eat a cow.

My compliments to the chef.
That's a sausage, right,
not a hot dog.

A hot dog would be wrong.
Can I just have a bite
right now?

Medium rare.
Look it.

- Control.
- Shep.

Your Majesty, I would like
to apologize in advance

for any farting.
- Is that chicken bits?
-No, sweetheart, that's pâté.

What is she talkin' about,

It's French
for meat byproduct.

Ooh, pass me the pâté.
I must say, the humans are much
more domesticated than I expected.
