Thank you very much, ma'am.
Has any other Greater Dane
ever visited Earth before this?
You're talking to me.
That can't happen.
Oh, yeah. Right.
It's been ages
since the last visit.
I betcha this will be
the fanciest welcome
any Dane's ever gotten.
We are in deep diddily doo-doo.
Hey, O.,
lookin' pretty spiffy there.
Hey, honey, we got
a very big day tomorrow.
- We're gonna sell, sell, sell.
- Sell, sell, sell.
Eyes on the ball. Be the ball.
All right, Hub.
Go to bed.
I'm just saying, I think I could
get pretty good at this game.
What's the point if you're not
gonna be here long enough to play?
Oh, right.
It's just a silly game anyway.
Are you...agitated?
Yep, but it's not about you.
Don't worry.
You want a biscuit?
It's hard to leave home.
I know.
But it's not
where you are, Owen.
It's who you're with.
Your mom and dad and you--
you make a good home.
All right, lights out.
I'll deal with you later.
All right, you gotta tell me.
- What?
- Why do you do those circles?
I'm building a mind fence.
- Excuse me?
- A mind fence.
It helps to keep out
negative thoughts while you sleep.