exquisitly slim comrades. Full-stop. - That's good.
You're not downstairs? It's already started. - Impossible to overhear!
You're not downstairs? It's already started. - Impossible to overhear!
Well hurry up then. It could be the last time with these members.
Where's Paula? - Yeah, where is she? Sleeping again?
Maybe I'll see your mother on TV. - In the palace?
Maybe I'll see your mother on TV. - In the palace?
You'll have to look for her with a magnifying glass.
I don't really know if I'll go there. All of the party's bigwigs are there.
I don't know anyone. Although... I'd like to see Gorbatschow at close range this once.
There they are celebrating themselves, all the old bastards.
Well you don't have to watch. - Mum, don't you notice what's happening there?
And you, what do you want? Do a bunk?
Nothing will change if they all go away. Let's go on.
It cannot be possible, that the stouter...
...workers and farmer's wifes... are punished by the fashion combinates...
...after the 40th year of the existence of our Republic!
With socalist salutations...
Hanna Schäfer.
In the evening of October 7, 1989 several hundred people united...
for an evening walk, to promote...
the idea of walking without borders.
Freedom of the press! Freedom of the press!