Good Bye Lenin!

The furniture from the bedroom is going to the basement.
The furniture from the bedroom is going to the basement.
She missed the increasing Westernization of our 79-square-metre apartment...
The old rubbish with the red dot is going to the bulk waste, okay?
The old rubbish with the red dot is going to the bulk waste, okay?
... and Rainer's enthusiasm for the oriental customs and way of life.
The big hormanal ecstasy that I experienced watching
a few beautiful legs, didn't reach into her night.
What're you doing there? - I... the infusion...
And not even the first day of Nurse Lara exchange angel from the sovjet union,
penetrated her black dreams.
There you are again. - Hello.
I was worried about you. - They've put me in clink.
Mother overslept the triumph of the capitalism. - Relief!
And the coordination of my hospital visits.
