Summer came and Berlin was the most beautiful place on Earth.
We felt like being in the center of the world.
Where finally something moved. And we moved with it.
It's too bad she doesn't realize any of this.
Well, maybe it's better that way. Everything she believed in
has dissolved into air in a few months. Just like that.
And your dad? - He was a Doctor.
He escaped into the West. We haven't heard anything from him again.
The future was in our hands, uncertain and promising.
Good afternoon. We're X TV and we just wanted to...
Hello, do you need a satellite dish?
No money?
Good afternoon!
Do you like football? Then we've got something for you.
Good afternoon. We're X TV and...
We're X TV! Are you interested in a satellite dish?
This is Vietnam 1, there's Vietnam 2 and back there's the Viatnamese sport channel.