Good Bye Lenin!

We want to celebrate your birthday. As every year.
Alex, that's complete madness. - We don't leave her alone, we promised her.
Mum is fatally ill. It's better for her here. They've got the equipment.
Just this once, be realistic. - No, you be realistic.
What happens when she doesn't have a single room anymore? Or when someone lets the cat out of the bag?
She'll hear what is happening outside in here. She won't take it.
Alright, all of this rubbish has to come out.
Are mum's curtains still in the basement - You can't be serious.
They're rawlplugged.
Oh great! - Guess it'll have to be re-plastered.
Oh great! - Guess it'll have to be re-plastered.
Can you please tell me what he's doing? - What do you think I'm doing?
What should I think? - What should he think? - That you have to make way.
Or should we put Mum in the basement? - Excuse me, I've paying the rent for this flat for 5 months!
Or should we put Mum in the basement? - Excuse me, I've paying the rent for this flat for 5 months!
Generous of you, Rainer! - For the whole apartment! 47,80 German Mark! In the West that's not even enough for a telephone bill!
And in the East you have to wait 10 years to get a telephone connection! - Can't you just...?
Mum has to find the room in the same condition she left it in. The doctor said
she has to stay in bad okay? So it's only about this one room.
And when she's better, we'll see what we'll do. - You didn't get what the doctor said. Mum will probably...
That's what you said 3 months ago, when you wanted to switch off the machines.
That was a different situation, you can't compare this! - What do you want to tell her then, Ariane?
That you've given up your studies, because you're selling Hamburgers now?
"Enjoy your meal and thank you for choosing Burger King."
8th floor?. - Yeah.
Elevator, hm? - Broken. - Shit.
You can say that again.
