Good Bye Lenin!

Nothing's changed in here.
What should have changed?
Oh, if you're bored, you can listen to cassettes.
I'm afraid the radio receiver is broken.
But I'll repair that. - Alex?
It's good to know you're not alone.
When your father...
When he was suddenly gone...
I didn't think I'd make it.
I never told you that...
I thought about laying hands upon myself.
But you visited every day.
And you talked about school and Sigmund Jähn.
You heard that?
I'm sorry to cause you so much work.
I can't even use the toilet by myself. - Mum.
That doesn't matter.
The important thing is for you to get well.
I'll try hard.
You have to rest now.
I'll just go to the shop, but Ariane is still there.
Oh, Alex...?
I'm craving for Spreewood gherkins. Can you fetch me some?
