l want my board, right there.
That one.
-Let me get all three of those.
-l can do that for you.
-Bam special. Bam!
-Hey, what's up?
-What's up, man?
Do you remember me? Probably not. We
skated SCRAP together a couple years ago.
-Oh, yeah. Dude, yeah. You were ripping.
-Thanks, bro.
-Keep an eye on this kid.
Watch out for this guy's frontside 360.
-He's got the SSBSTS lurking.
-lt's for the wall.
-You going to the demo later on?
-Hell, yeah. l wouldn't miss it.
-lt's for the wall.
-You don't have to make excuses.
-Bam was a loser before he got sponsored.
-Just like you, dude.
l'll tell you what.
l'm gonna make you a deal, Greg.
-You flow me one of these decks.
-For free?
Yeah, for free. Exactly.
And in exchange, l'll skate it.
l'll tell everybody where l got it.
You can sponsor me.
All right, dude.
Which one do you want?
For real?
All right.
How about we go with one
of those Elements, like Bam got?
Dude, for you, l can go that board $ 1 40.
Tax not included.
Nice hat.