lt's no wonder why you can't get a date.
lt was working.
-l'm in a dry spell, man.
-To be in a dry spell...
-...you've had to have been in a wet spell.
-l've had sex.
Yeah, with a human, though.
Who's making these rules, man?
Product toss.
l love it when these little freaks
tear each other's skin off for a sticker.
What is he doing?
l had to skin a 9-year-old
for that, man.
You needed a board.
lt's yours.
Let's see if we can talk to Jimmy
before we jet.
Excuse me, sir,
we're here to see Jimmy.
-Oh, my freaking Lord!
-Oh, my God! Get it away.
-What are you looking at?
-Nothing, sir.
We are just here to see Jimmy. ls he in the
scar--? The car? The bus? That where he is?
-That's a big ''no'' on Jimmy.
-Good. Thank you.
-What are you looking at, pinhead?
What's up?
Actually, we're here to see Jimmy.
He told me to drop this tape by for him.
-l think he wants to sponsor us.
-That's cool.
-l'm stoked.
-That's great, guys. Hang on just a minute.
All right.
Let's see.
-There you go.