Wake up and smell the desperation.
We needed a company name
to give us credibility on tour.
-On tour?
-Right. We're hitting the road as a team.
-We skate better than half of those guys.
-Yeah, l can. lt's weird.
There you go. Jimmy's a man, right? Once
we're on the road, we follow him around.
We get in front of him one time,
he'll see we're the real deal.
That does sound super-duper.
But l really don't-- l mean,
l'm just saying, if you think about it--
No, it's cool. lt's cool. You two
can sit here and touch yourselves...
...for the rest of your lives, or you can try
getting off your asses and making it happen.
That's about a nine
on the Richter scale, man.
l think he's saying we got a nest egg
here, and we're extraordinarily comfortable.
Slug Bug!
Mr. Rivers!
Slug Bug!
Mr. Rivers.
Kids dig me.
-When's her lease up?
-Where's the money we're using...
...on this trip coming from?
-Stop looking at me.
-You can do this. You have no choice.
-l absolutely am not doing it. l can't.
-You can.
No. Don't even talk-- l'm not.
There's no way in hell l'm doing it.
Now that the money issue is settled,
where are we gonna get some wheels?
We just got to find a van.
l got it!
That was my mom's.
This was actually my grandma's,
this little bellybutton ring.
-lt's crazy.
-That's so sweet.
l like the way you guys smell.