Wait, what are we doing?
We don't have any cash.
Chili, chili, chili, chili.
What are you doing?
l dropped something,
and l'm looking for it.
l had curly cheese fries,
lots of them, and a shake.
Okay. Didn't your mom ever tell you
not to talk to strangers?
l guess she didn't say anything about
puking on them, though. Thank you.
Chili, chili, chili, chili....
-Welcome to Chili N Such.
-Can I scoop for you?
-So listen...
...l was actually by here
about an hour ago.
And we ordered 1 0 Gut Bomb
Chili Surprises and five shakes.
lt's funny because when l got home,
there were actually only coffees...
-...in the bag.
I remember that order. Drive through,
and we'll replace it.
''Animal Chin Skate Shop.
lnternationally renowned skateboarder
Jimmy Wilson...
...discovered here, 1 992.''
Yeah, but where is Jimmy's bus?
Shouldn't there be a big crowd here?
l don't know, bro. Maybe we're early.
Let's go scope it out.
-What's up, yo?
-''What's up, yo?''
How's it going there?
-Jimmy Wilson?
-Jimmy Wilson. The demo.
Check this cut.