What's up?
Dude, you're pretty badass.
-Thanks, man.
-But l could totally take you.
Dude, what grade are you in?
Seventh. l'm 1 2, bitch.
And you got something to teach me?
All right, how about you talk to me
when you're out of diapers.
That kid is totally taking you.
What is he in, seventh grade?
l wonder if he's got a sister.
You wanna make out?
Yeah, sure.
-Where's the product toss?
-Where's the free stuff?
lf you losers are really sponsored,
where's the free stuff?
What do you say you and me lose
this dead weight and hit the strip clubs?
l like your style, kid. Keep it up.
-Where's the stuff?
-Lil' Bow Wow, keep barking...
-...and it's a one-way walk in the woods.
-You got jokes?
-l don't got jokes, l got threats.
-Man, give me your skateboard.