Man, give me a T-shirt!
Man, give me your shoes! Give me--
-ln your face!
-Your team sucks!
Our team doesn't suck!
What is wrong with their eyes?
ln the van! ln the van! Product toss.
Look at that, free hat.
Let's get out of here!
Ride my fingerboard, bitches!
All right.
Yeah, you got good hands.
Can you go deeper?
Oh, yeah, that's deep.
This is fantastic.
What about doing my glutes next?
With what, my face?
Put some elbow into it, man.
l'll put some elbow into your face.
How we gonna get Jimmy Wilson to see us
if we can't even skate a contest?
How we gonna get girls to see us?
Have you been in a coma this entire time?
They're everywhere.
Sweet Lou is all over
this little pro chick right now.
Why does that bother you so much?
Because it's not happening to me.
lf you would change your clothes,
even one time, there might-- l don't know.