I'm running against this guy.
Yes, sir.
That is some bullshit.
This is my time.
I've been Vice President for eight years.
I am a war hero,
and I am Sharon Stone's cousin!
And I'll be damned if I'm going to let
my election be ruined by this asshole!
I want this guy done. You hear me?
Finish him!
He will be destroyed, sir, as you wish.
This is the White House
without Mays Gilliam. Peaceful, isn't it?
Now, this is the White House
if Gilliam is elected.
Let's keep Mays Gilliam
out of the White House.
Vote Brian Lewis for President.
It's your last chance.
How do you want to handle this?
I don't want to go negative.
Nobody wants to hear that.
I want people to vote for me,
not against Lewis.
- People don't know what they want to hear.
- We have to respond.
We should go with something measured,
accurate. Let's call him on his record!
You can't challenge his record
when Mays doesn't have one.
How about a massage?
Ladies and gentlemen...
please welcome
presidential candidate Mays Gilliam.
Thank you!
This is Conservative Talk 520.
You're listening to Big Dave.
Negative ads. Lewis is up, Gilliam is down.
I think it's great!
Bottom line:
I don't think I want Gilliam
and his homies to be in the White House.
People are saying these ads
are dirty politics. Give me a small break!
We're not talking about running
a rib shack but a country!
He's running for President
and every vote counts!
Ladies and gentlemen, Mays Gilliam!