If you look over there,
it's the Lincoln Memorial.
Lincoln freed the slaves...
but before he did it, he said,
"First you niggers got to build me a statue."
Right there is the Jefferson Memorial.
Jefferson had a black mistress.
He said, "All men are created equal,
but black women got the nicest ass!"
That's the Treasury.
If you look real hard in the window,
you can see Oprah counting her money.
$20 trillion one, $20 trillion two...
Hi, Oprah!
What's it like...
traveling all over the country
and meeting all those people?
I like it. I like traveling,
I like meeting the people.
But sometimes, you don't know
if people like you for you.
- Know what I mean?
- I like you for you.
And I think you're okay.
- Just okay?
- I'm just playing.
I forgot how nice D.C. was.
I'm always working.
I never get a chance to check it out.
Maybe you need to take advantage
of what's in front of you.
You never know, you may look up someday,
and it might not be there.
Put your hands up in the air
and step away from Mr. Gilliam!
It's okay!
- What the hell are you doing?
- What the hell are you doing?
You can't go dashing off
in the middle of the night with some girl.
Something's happened.
We got to pack and get out of here!
Somebody make sure she gets home safely.
We have a plane waiting for us.