I didn't frighten you, did l?
I been lookin' for ya.
I been lookin' all over for ya.
You been looking for me?
Not for me.
On behalf of my gentleman.
A very fine gentleman.
He sent me to find ya.
Your gentleman sent you to find me?
Oh, get off. I might be unfortunate,
but I'm not a blitherin' idiot.
It's the truth.
It's the God's truth.
He seen ya.
He likes ya.
And he said tonight only you'll do.
So he said to find ya,
take ya to Hanover Street...
where he's waitin' for ya.
- You're very pretty.
Go on, then, get in.
I'll take you there.
Oh, I almost forgot.
My gentleman got you a present.
You like grapes?
Your gentleman,
he must be very refined.
- Very refined indeed.
- Get in.
- I'll take you there.
- All right.
Here we are.
- I'm like a lady.
- You are a lady.
Your gaffer,
does he want anything special?
Just the usual, I expect.