and I smelled the laudanum
on their lips.
Laudanum is a derivative of opium.
Apart from doctors and addicts,
not many would recognize it.
How long have you
chased the dragon, lnspector?
Well, these should help
with the headaches.
And, um...
opium leeches minerals
out of the body...
so I've also given you a tonic...
that will help to
restore your appetite.
Thank you very much, sir.
I'm a fool.
I don't think you're a fool.
Far from it.
I ought to have known, sir, that you're
Physician Ordinary to the Royal Family.
Well, yes, it's certainly an honor...
but it's an honor
best owed on many doctors.
Now, about our friend here,
I can tell you this much:
He cut their throats from left to right,
therefore he's right-handed.
Excuse me.
He had to slice through
four layers of tissue...
and up to an inch
of subcutaneous fat.
After that...
he entered the abdominal cavity...
so he would have had to use more
than just merely the Liston knife.
Perhaps he was carrying a portable
amputation kit similar to this.
What do you think?
Is it possible, sir, that the killer
is an educated man...
perhaps someone who studied medicine...
but who is, in fact,
not a surgeon himself?
The intestines are simple enough.
But, uh, the uterus?
The liver, especially. Hard to locate,
unless you know what you're doing.
And he was working quickly, in the dark.
I had held out hope that this...
monster was a veterinarian...
or a furrier or an...
especially well-educated butcher.
No, I must admit, if l were you...
I'd look for someone with
a thorough knowledge of human anatomy.