
Hello, sam.
I thought you might
still want some onions.

Thank you.
I can fix that.
Sam, are you gonna try to
tell me now

that your onions are a cure
for a leaky roof?

I'm just good with my hands.
I built my own boat, you know.
I need it to get across
the lake to my onion field.

Well, then, i guess
you'd be in real trouble

if your boat leaked.
I tell you what...
i'll fix that roof

in exchange for three jars
of your spiced peaches.

It's a deal.
[Birds chirping]
Well, miss katherine,
i guarantee that roof
for five years.

If there's anything else...
The windows won't open.

And the children and i would
enjoy a breeze now and then.

I can fix that.
"And this maiden, she lived
with no other thought

"than to love
and be loved by me.

"She was a child,
and i was a child

"in this kingdom by the sea.
But we loved..."
"with a love
that was more than love...

i and my annabel lee."
You know, that door
doesn't hang straight.

I can fix that.
"The duck swims on the lake."
Very good, mr. Penn.
Thank you, ma'am.
The duck may swim on the lake,

but my daddy owns the lake.
