He didn't get many letters,
it was mostly bills and Junk mail.
I kept everything in a shirt box.
When it got too small
I put it all in a shoebox.
Then in 3 boxes, split
into bills, ads and letters.
One day I was talking
to my fat schoolmate Mairoldi.
I said I didn't think my dad
would come back.
I don't think my dad
will come back.
- Did he go on a trip?
- Yes.
- When?
- 7 years ago.
He started laughing, a lot.
He went blind on one eye.
That's the stupid part.
That was my last day at school.
I got thrown out.
I didn't want
to go anymore either.
While my mom watches soaps
on TVI stay in my room, drawing.
One-Eyed Zack
lives with Granny Doctrine.
"You have to
pay attention in class."
"Pay attention to
what the teachers say."
"If you don't
understand something, ask!"
"Pedro Alvares Cabral discovered
Brazil on April 22nd 1500."
My mom drags her slippers
from the bathroom to the kitchen.
She opens the cupboard, gets
a glass, closes the cupboard...
opens the fridge, gets the
water bottle, closes the fridge...
fills the glass,
only haltway...
opens the fridge, puts the
bottle away, gets the glass...
opens the filter,
fills the glass...
drags her slippers from the
kitchen to the bedroom and says:
"Goodnight, son, I'm going to bed.
TVmakes me so sleepy..."
Goodnight, son. I'm going to bed.
TV makes me so sleepy...
Goodnight, mom.