Homem Que Copiava, O

She went into a shop
that was still closed.

I think she works there.
Silvia's. I still didn't know
it was a coincidence.

I waited a while
in front of the shop.

A coffee costs as much as a bus
ticket, but I can walk back.

I read that a guy who drew some
puppets on the wall became rich.

But he died soon afterwards.
You work your whole life to
leave money to who knows whom.

He didn't even have time
to have a kid.

The idea is to get rich fast,
as fast as possible, and take off.

The problem is: How?
I sent a story of One-Eyed Zack
and Granny Doctrine to a magazine.

You can't do only what you want.
You have to do something
that will get you rich!

- Why?
- Because, without money...

you can't do anything you want!
They never answered.
Then I sent one with a letter.

I asked for an answer
or to get my story back...

as other magazines
were interested.

When I finish paying for the TV,
I'll have $ 45 left every month.

If I don't spend any of it,
in 10 years I'll buy a used car.

It's easier to buy a gun.
Andre, if you buy $50 of pot,
you can resell it for $100, 150...

It depends
on the state of the sucker.

I once sold a guy
$ 10 of pot...

mixed with lots of
dried parsley for $ 100.

The guy loved it,
he wanted more.

I tried it. It tasted like pizza.
Man, with $500 you can buy
cooler clothes and sell cocaine.

Coke is great business!
Specially if you have a deal
with the police.

You're wasting time at that shop.
