How are you?
Cardoso, this is Andre,
he got us the tickets.
Nice to meet you.
Cardoso, at your service.
How's it going?
Look, I'll get my first beer, OK?
Excuse me.
- Interesting place.
- Yeah.
But I don't like
these metal tables.
Once I put a glass of whisky
on one of these...
and it started to move by itself,
because the table was wet.
It happens at home too,
on the counter of the kitchen.
It's a physical phenomenon,
Then the glass started moving.
I thought like, man, I'm so drunk.
And I was really...
- What?
- Drunk. But not that drunk.
The glass was moving by itself.
So it fell on the floor.
It's a sad thing to see whisky
all over the floor.
Hey, there's a free table there.
I don't like these tables.
And the name neither, "Mama Grave".
They love giving
English names to bars.
- What do you do?
- Me?
I'm a photocopier operator.
- Oh, at the shop with Marinez.
- That's right.
- What about you?
- I work with antiques.
Furniture, china...
Sorry to ask, but do you have
to wear a tie to work?
Listen, you and Marinez...
- Hot, isn't she?
- Oh my God, oh my God!
- You two...
- We only work together. That's all.
- And you?
- I'll check her out.
I'll check her out.
She's hot, you have to
play it cool.
A hot babe like that,
guys dribbling all over her...
You have to give her a hard time.
You'll see.
Hi! I've brought 3 glasses,
the next beer is yours.
- Will you help me?
- I only have one left...