Homem Que Copiava, O

Here the money goes to one register.
It all gets mixed quickly.

Everyone's in a hurry.
And there's no proof
that I gave them that bill.

I can make a $ 9 bet and
take $ 41 change, real money.

I must ask her something,
to distract her attention.

I've done that with a doorman.
"What's the date today?
Do you know what the prize is?"

"How much is a bet
on 6 numbers?"

"$9? Wasn't it $8?
It's gone up?"

- Are you into angels?
- Sorry?

I bought this
for my mother's birthday.

It's meant to be
a guardian angel.

But my boss said
it's St. Gabriel.

I don't know much about angels.
I think it's an archangel.

It's St. Michael.
- What's the difference?
- The armor! It's St. Michael.

- Oh, I see.
- Your mother will like it.

Thank you.
"Guardian angel, meek and mild,
look on me, your little child."

"Bless me now, the day is done."
I'm here to buy the robe.
The robe.

Oh, for your mother!
I have it in two colors.
I'll show you.

We have new nightgowns in,
a little more expensive.

- Would you like to see?
- I think I prefer the robe.

It was this one you saw, right?
It comes in two colors: Blue
and violet, which do you prefer?
