No, thanks.
I'm not too crazy about figs.
- Bye.
- Bye.
She wears no perfume,
she's not crazy about figs...
she hates wasps in beans.
And her eyes twinkle
when she smiles.
You can't see any of that
through binoculars.
Go on, ask her to come out
with us?
I'm broke.
Just to the movies! Then we
go to my place, order a pizza...
No, I can't.
I have no money.
Just the movies and a pizza.
It's less than $15.
I can't, Cardoso.
Man, you really are poor,
Jesus Christ!
Have you only just realized?
What's that in your ear?
Oh, it's a seed. Like, it squeezes
a spot in the earlobe, you know?
A seed of what?
It doesn't matter. It's to quit
smoking. It's apucuncture.
- No, "acupuncture"!
- Yeah...
-It`s name is a-CU-puncture!
How many days has it been
since you stopped?
- What?
- Smoking?!
Four! But I already feel
like a different person.
I used to get breathless
going up the stairs.
I had no stamina. The
difference is amazing, 4 days...
The taste of things...
much more.
I know.
But I can't really say
I don't miss it.
After eating, I have a coffee,
that cigarette...
- I know.
- The hell you do!
I know, I quit smoking.
You never smoked!
Shit, why did I quit smoking?
Women are bad news, man!
She isn't even that hot.
Her tits are too big.
Did she say the guy had
to be rich and a non-smoker?