
He's dangerous. Seriously.
Yeah. Thinking of picking up some
pepper spray tomorrow or something.

Did l say thank you?
You sure you don't want me to walk you
upstairs and make sure you're safe?

No. l can handle myself.
Thanks again.
Come on.
Mom, what happened?
Another pipe burst.
You can't be in here.

How long will it take to fix?
Oh, who knows?
Building codes, inspections.

Now the city wants to do a full
assessment, see if the building's
even worth reopening.

Ma, you can't let them shut you down.

your telling me what l can and cannot do
is not gonna improve my mood right now.

l don't know what to do about this.
lf there's a danger to the kids--

He's one of those kids,
you know, trying to act all bad.

But 10 seconds into a routine,
l catch a glimpse of him.

lt's like l can just see
this light shining out of him.

He's a kid again.

lt's the best feeling l know seeing that.
lt's scary though.
'Cause when l think of him hanging out
with B.B., it's like l can watch that light
get dimmer and dimmer.

Well, you know, when a thug joint's
the hottest spot in the hood,

it's hard for a kid
not to want to be down.

l know. l'm over here.
