Hope Springs

- Pick me up at about ten?
- Sure.

- Splendid.
- Splendid.

How do I look?
You have a naturally dramatic face,
Mr Fisher.

And hopefully, if this works out, I'll be able
to emphasise that quality even more.

Dramatic, eh?
Now, is that a position
that you can hold for 30 minutes or so?

I can do that.
If you'd like to put your hands on your lap,
once you've finished your...

- Are we allowed to talk?
- Yup, we can talk. Calmly.

Mandy told Joanie, who told Tina, who
told me, what happened in your homeland.

- Sorry, could you tip your head...?
- Sorry.

Maybe not quite that much.
If you just keep your eyes on a fixed point,
sometimes that way your head stays still.

Listen, my friend,
once the pain wears off, I'm tellin' ya,

you'll be a better and stronger man
than if it never happened at all.

- If it ever does wear off.
- Sure it does.

That's the one good thing about pain,
it wears off.

You know, I was having a think earlier.
About six months ago, she took up yoga.
She joined a local club,
and it made her happy.

I remember thinking
"How can yoga make anyone that happy?"

And especially so when the swami
started one-partner exercises.

- Swami?
- Yes, the swami.

He'd pair them off and they'd all sit on
the floor, back-to-back with locked arms,

and they'd pull against each other
and chant things.

Chanting? Oh, boy.
And I was just thinking maybe that was it.
They were all paired off,

and that was the moment,
when maybe I lost her.

Cos maybe the guy that she was
paired off with was this Roger Pelham.
