Please, just go. Go. Please.
But I can't tell you how much...
You're not wearing any underpants.
I was a tad preoccupied
when I was leaving the flat.
Are you going for a walk? I know how you
like to go for a walk when you want to think.
- The last thing I want to do now is think.
- If you have to go out, I'll just wait.
Vera, don't wait.
- Colin?
- What?
What's this?
That's a machine for drying hair, Vera.
It's called a hair dryer.
I know what it is, Colin,
but you don't use one.
Is this supplied by the motel?
Is there one like this in every room? Colin?
- Can't you answer a simple question?
- A simple one I could. Just not that one.
What? It was a joke
and she's not married and she's here?
It hasn't affected our relationship
in any way. She just came to apologise.
- She's going straight back home again.
- Is she allergic to the telephone?
Sorry, do you not want
sleeping people in your exhibition?
- He is just asleep, isn't he?
- Like I'd get you to draw a dead person.
So, are you just gonna forgive her?
How could you forgive something like that?
It's the only way. Forgive and forget.
And do your forgiving while you can,
cos when you get to my age
all you can do is the...
- The forgetting?
- Yeah, that's it. The forgetting.
"My darling Vera..."
"Dear Vera."