House of Sand and Fog

You Kathy Lazaro?
Yeah. Why?
Due to the nonpayment of business
taxes associated with this property,

the county has petitioned the court
on its behalf to reclaim these costs.

It should come as no surprise to you.
I'm sure you've had ample warning.

We've sent many notices.
Now the house is up for
auction tomorrow morning.

Auction? What are you talking about?
Are you out of your mind?
There's no smoking in my house.
Hey, Chuck.
'Cause I see your number right here.
Yeah. We gonna meet down there?
Supposed to be a hot one today.
I'd dress lightly if I were you.

- It's okay, 'cause I'm not leaving.
I'm afraid you have
no choice, Mrs. Lazaro.

All of your things will be
auctioned off with the property.

Do you want that?
Look, you can't evict me.
I never owed a fucking business
tax. It doesn't make sense.

Okay, well, this is where I get off.
Deputy Sheriff Burdon will assist
you in vacating the property.

Do you have a lawyer?
I can't afford a lawyer.
I'm a house cleaner.
