- Sorry.
- Shit.
- I didn't mean to scare you.
- Don't do that.
You all right?
Yeah. I'm fine. You?
Good. Good.
You working undercover or something?
Excuse me?
No. I'm off.
I just... I drive by
this way, and, uh...
figured I'd check in on you,
see how you're holding up.
They already sold your house?
Technically, it's mine and my brother's.
My dad left it to us when he died.
I haven't told my family.
My lawyer's trying to
get them to rescind it.
So I'm trying not to
harp on the negative.
You have any kids, Mr. Burdon?
Call me Lester.
My husband left me eight months ago.
No one knows that, either.