He's in trauma. You
can wait in the lounge.
Please, God, don't take my joon-am.
I make my nazr. My nazr,
hear me. Please to hear me.
I will give everything to
one who is less fortunate.
Yes! I will make it for the broken bird.
Please, God, I'm making
nazr to this woman.
To Kathy Nicolo.
And I to you promise,
if you heal my son,
I will return her father's house.
I will also give to her
all the money I have.
My God, Khoda. I make
nazr only for my son.
Please, I want only for my son.
I beg you, I will do
whatever is your will.
I will purchase ten
kilos of the finest seed
and find an American mosque, and I
will feed them to all the birds outside.
I will let the birds cover
me and peck out my eyes.
Please, God, my nazr is in your hands.