If you only knewwhat I just dealt with.
I mean, this guy was right infront of me, going little...
That guy deserves a ticket.I'm sure he's...
A-A-A woman neverreveals her age.
I've been in thisrelationship for...
He was going ten miles an houron the highway.
I'm trying to...
"And only thenwill the people of Tajikistan
know true and lasting peace."
Andie, it's brilliant.
It's really moving.
But it's never going to appearin Composure Magazine.
God, I busted my buttin grad school
to be Andie Anderson,"How to" girl,
and write articles like,
"How to Use the BestPick-Up Lines"
and "Do Blondes, Do They, Like,
Really HaveMore Fun?"
I want to write aboutthings that matter,
like politics andthe environment,
and foreign affairs...things I'm interested in.
Keep busting your butt.
You're going to get there.
Hey, I've got somethingto cheer you up.