How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

lntestinal complications.
Yeah, right, Arnold. Prunes.
Did you meet Joey?
A female Andy.
Nice to meet you.
Okay, here we go now.
The game is Bullshit,
and you are just in time

for the lightning round,
my dear.

l don't really know how to play.
Well, we're going to teach
you how. lt's very simple.

Trick is to get rid
of all the cards

in your hand, all right?
So l'm going
to look in my hand,

and l'm going to see
what l've got here.

And, well, do you know?
l've got two aces here.
Well, two aces.
What do you say to that?

What are you
going to say?

-l say bullshit.

What did she say?
l didn't quite hear.

Did you guys...?
l didn't hear what she said.

What did you say?
l said bullshit!
All right!
Well, she knows how
to play the game,

Yes, sir.
Hey, big daddy,
come to Papa.

Get on over there, big man.
Slick as a whistle.

How you doing, Unc?
Hi, Ben.
-That's my grandson.

Hey, how you doing, buddy?
Got a game of Bullshit
going here?

A little game of Bullshit.
Want to join us?
Good luck.
What'd you leave me with, Joe?
Look at the expert here.
Okay, now, we went
through the deck.

We're going to start
at the beginning now.

So we go to twos.
Let's see, now.
l've got myself one deuce here.

Bullshit, Pop.
He's a human lie detector,
isn't he?

Try this, son:
two threes.
One four.
Three fives.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You see whose name's on top
of the board over there?

Yes, it says ''Ben,''
with a star next to it.

You still want to bullshit me?
God, you must be so proud.
l'm doing my best.
What do we got?

-Did l b-b-bullshit?
-Got, uh...

No, l told the truth.
Three fives.
He's good. He's the champ.
All right, all right.
Lighten up on me, Jim.

What am l?
Sixes to you.
One six.
One six, all right.
Whoa, look at what l got here.
You see, the key to this game
is being able to read people.

Two eights.
Bull...shit, Mama.

l-l'm going to have to hurt you.
Uh-huh. You see,
Mom's never been

that great at it, but why?
Just 'cause l'm so pure
of heart.

-So pure of heart.

Hello, hello!
Yeah, where is everybody?
