Still living in the 16th?
Not together. She lives, I live.
Me, Rue Renoir. Him, Belleville.
We commute.
Just like teenagers!
I was able to see Pincon.
For the new play I wrote.
- You write?
- Yes, it's my job.
Hobby. It's called a hobby.
Why say that?
Because it's true.
Work is salary for a service.
Salaries are needed to eat.
- Not necessarily.
- Work doesn't feed you.
But I need to eat.
- Oh, really?
- Yes, really.
This line isn't moving.
Like her mother, the painter.
She does that for pleasure!
That's the bourgeoisie.
Hobbies, lovers...
That's life. Everyone's the same.
Everyone works, suffers, cheats.
Not everyone lies. Some can't afford to.
The bourgeoisie lives
to keep up appearances.
The truth would kill them.
Women who aren't rich lie, too.
They also don't tell husbands
about lovers.
They have nowhere else to go.
Which women?
Or they love both. Husband and lover.
My mother cleaned houses.
No time to cheat!