In America

You see that?
Do you not think I'm bad,
or are you just saying I'm good 'cause...

You are.
- Am I doing the wings nice?
- You're doing great.

- Really?
- Yes.

I thought I was bad.
You're doing great.
- Is that you in the pictures?
- Yeah.

So you were rich?
Is that why the angel has blue blood?
You know, in the Irish language,
the word for "black man" is fear gorm.

But that really means "blue man."
The word for "black man" is fear dub.
And that means "the Devil."
You have us figured out?
They can't wipe us out, they can't lick us.
We'll go on forever, Pa,
'cause we're the people.

"I said in mine heart, go to now...
"prove thee with mirth,
therefore enjoy pleasure." Awesome.

Johnny, come to bed. It's late, come on.
Put the script down now.
