Hey, miss.
Hey, miss. Hey!
You forgot something.
The check.
Stream of consciousness,I'd like to point out, is not the same...
...as stream of conscience...
...for which some of youhave mistaken it.
A logical error in some ways.
Okay, your assignment for todayis to utilize...
-Nothing happens.-...style in To the Lighthouse.
Yeah, one old lady dies.
How many ladies have to dieto make it good?
At least three.
-What's this?-From the bar...
...my half of the check.
Yo, man, where you go?I waited a long time.
-Couldn't find the bathroom.-Is that all?
-Is what all?-All I owe you.
I can't pass youunless you show up to class.
The still waters of the waterunder a frond of stars
The still water of your mouthunder a thicket of kisses