The point is that he couldget the wrong idea.
You don't know how guys think.
Are you all right, John?
Not really. I've....
I've been having thesepanic attacks lately.
-I don't know. They're pretty bad.-What happens?
Do you ever getthese funny images...
...from the past, like you sawsomething or you knew something?
Weird memories from childhood?
I just wish I didn't keep havingthese funny attacks. My brain....
Well, my brain practically explodes.I'm gonna go on antidepressants.
I need to ask you a favor.
Do you think you couldtake care of Patrick?
He's barking all the time. Probablybecause my hours are so long.
John, I can't take care of a dog.
Especially not my dog, right?You'd rather cut his head off.
No, not especially your dog.
Why don't you put upa notice or something.
Put up a notice? Where am l?I'm in the hospital 18 hours out of 24.
You don't get it, do you?
Well, okay. Come here.
Say goodbye.
John, are you gonna put him down?
Maybe. I don't know, maybe I will.
I could do it myself.I could shave his little arm--
I don't think it's a good ideathat we see each other.
Well, this is out of the blue.
I'm gonna....
I'm gonna have to think about this.