Intolerable Cruelty

There you go
Put that thing on my neck now
Now, honey,
it's like the padre said

I want love and trust between us
Love and trust
and not a thing else

And this here deed
that I'm fixin' to perform...

Well, honey, let me just, uh...
You see this?
This is for you, darlin;
This here is for you
This here is for you, baby
Ever'last little speck of it
I love you
I mean, I love you
like a son of a bitch!

I trust you!
This here is for you, baby

Baby, this is for you
What is it?
I really love you

It's the prenup
I love her!
I trust her!
Ladies and gentlemen,
It's the prenup!

I trust her!

You look beautiful
if you'll excuse us

We have to talk
I would like to offer
my congratulations

It was a beautiful gesture
of Howard's

Well, Howard
is a beautiful person

A diamond in the rough
And I have a feeling that
someday soon

you'll be taking that diamond
and leaving the rough

In a month or so, once I've established
that I've tried to make the marriage work

May I offer my services?
Oh, thanks

But no
No, I'm retaining Freddy Bender
Poor Freddy He was awfully blue
after my last divorce

Well, I admire your loyalty
To lawyers, anyway
I guess without the prenup
it's something even Freddy could manage
