He left him in the street
to go chase after women.
And then?
So his Dad set him on fire
with gasoline.
- He did good.
- Sure did.
- What are you doing?
- l have to pee, go to sleep.
- What do they say in Milan? - What
the hell do you want them to say?
They said it would end soon,..
..it's been months! What's going on?
l don't understand!
You don't need to understand. The less
you think, the less you'll screw up.
lt'll take time.
lt might take six months.
- Six months? - Six months,
a year, whatever it takes.
My ass!
Shut up!
They ain't telling us anything!
You don't need to know anything.
You just have
to keep the kid hidden.
Hide him and stay cool.
You've fucked up
over and over again.
He's the stupidest of all.
Like l said, you're not capable.
Relax? They ain't paying!
They said Carducci had money
coming out of his ass.
Shut up!
You're the worst here,
'cause you think.
- Me?
- Yes.
Fuck you, expert my ass.
You're an idiot, let me tell you!