Hi, Paul.
Do you have any buyers for that van?
Aren't you going to fix the Duett?
You wouldn't consider
letting me rent it?
I'll pay you after my first shipment.
I have a load of worms to deliver-
-and I thought I could ask you
for a favor, until the Duett is fixed.
We're not in the car-rental business.
How much should I charge?
A couple of hundred a day,
plus something for mileage.
-Doesn't that sound fair?
-It sounds reasonable.
But I think we should stick
to the original deal.
60,000 and the van is yours.
Then we're even.
Until that happens,
we have nothing to talk about.
-I think I'd rather fix the Duett.
-I thought you didn't have time.
I never said that.
Do you want to borrow this?
It's great for small dents and...
Hi, Jonny.
What's the matter?
-Has something happened?
Nothing much.