Not one word.
Are Mom and Dad home?
No. They´re at
the emphysema ball.
Don´t worry, Peewee...
we´ll get this Tom mess
cleaned up.
Wake up.
Okay, I´m home.
So, you can leave whenever you want.
Hi, this is Tom and Sarah...
and we can´t come
to the phone right now...
because we´re honeymooning
in Europe! Yea!
Send a large wedding gift...
or we won´t call you back--
I´m serious.
Tom, Kyle.
I got your message.
I´m sorry the honeymoon sucked.
Anyway, don´t wig.
I´ll set up
lodging in your place.
And when you get back,
we´ll do some Budweiser therapy.
Hi, Sarah. It´s Peter.
I thought I might catch you in.
And Tom, if you´re listening, buddy...
I feel your pain.